When you go around calling yourself a domestic artist, suddenly everyone expects handmade gifts: ) With the holidays coming I was trying to think of something I could make for everyone on my list. Hmmm, what does everyone I know have? An iPad! In my world every electronic device needs it's own cozy and it's good to share so here you go, my quilted iPad cover tutorial.

I know there are already a lot of tutorials out there on making these but I didn't spot many that were patchwork and I specifically made mine using one of those little 2 1/2" square mini charm packs. They were giving these away like candy at Quilt Market and I was so excited to snag one (OK, two) of
Betz White's new fabric line, Stitch.
Cut the following:
(30) 2 1/2" squares or use a mini charm pack for the patchwork front
(1) 10 1/2" x 12 1/2" rectangle for back
(2) 12" x 14" batting scraps
(2) 10 1/2" x 12" inside lining pieces
(2) 10 1/2" x 12" fusible fleece
(2) 4" x 6" for flap
(1) 4" x 6" fusible fleece for flap
(1) 2 1/2" piece of velcro
Seam allowance 1/4"
Begin by assembling your patchwork front. Layout your 2 1/2" squares in a pleasing arrangement of 6 rows with 5 squares per row.
I chain pieced the rows and then joined those rows in to pairs and finally assembled my 3 pairs into a finished front. Alternate the direction you press each row so they will nest together when you assemble the rows.
Layer your front with a piece of batting and quilt as desired. For my front I used a zig-zag pattern. It's easier to see on the back but I just used masking tape to sew diagonally across each square. Remember to adjust for your seam allowance on the outside squares.
Layer your backing fabric with a piece of batting and quilt as desired. I quilted mine with a plaid pattern.
Apply fusible fleece to wrong side of inside lining pieces according to the manufacturer's directions. Place lining pieces right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving a short side open. Clip the corners but do not turn your lining pouch.
Make the flap with your 4"x6" pieces. I wanted mine to be arrow shaped to emphasize the zig-zag pattern. To make the point, fold the outside flap piece in half lengthwise. Layer it with the inside flap and fusible fleece then cut each side at a 45 angle from the center fold line.
Attach the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the inside flap piece. Stitch around one side of the velcro to secure it to inside flap.
Layer the outside and inside flap pieces right sides together and stitch around edges leaving the top open.
Clip the point of the triangle and turn. Topstitch 1/4" from edges.
Guesstimate where your velcro belongs on the front of your case and stitch down. Trim batting so piece measures 10 1/2" x 12 1/2".
Trim batting on back piece to 10 1/2" x 12 1/2". Baste flap to center of top side with outer side of flap towards backing fabric.
Place outside front and back right sides together and sew around 3 sides leaving top open. Clip corners.
Turn outside pouch and stuff inside lining pouch so that right sides are together.
Match side seams and make sure flap is between outside and inside pouches. Sew around top leaving a 3" hole for turning. I left mine where the flap was.
Turn through hole and topstitch around top edge to close opening.
Stick your iPad inside and head to Starbucks to show off your latest creation; ) Happy quilting!